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Hola monsters! Happy Friday!! We woke up to SNOW this morning and winds blowing 94 km/hr! I thought I was going to blow away walking from my car to the door! NUTZO!! Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I had such an awesome day with my mom and was totally tuckered out after she left. I wish she could of stayed longer though! xx

Backpeddle to yesterday. I got up sSsSsSuper early to do our recycling. We have curbside recycling and it comes every two weeks. And we always have baaaags of plastic. Totally crazy how much you can actually recycle. 🙂
My mom helped me and it took us about 45 minutes to get it all organized and out. I was soo hungry so I made two egg whites with a laughing cow and a sliced pear.

After breakfast my mom and I headed out to Costco. LOOK WHAT I GOT FOR EASTER!!!!!

Yes oh em gee my mind is blown. I am just elated. It matches the Kitchenaid food processor they gave me for Christmas!!! I have wanted a Kitchenaid mixer for A LONG time now and weeeooow!! Thanks mom and dad!!!! The only problem with it is that I don’t know what to cook in it first 🙂 LOL

My mom also spoiled me with a new pan

And tons of groceries. I am SO LUCKY. We even got a big jar of almond butter for $5.00!! Unheard of haha.

Okay. Totally stop what you’re doing now and focus on what I’m going to show you. THIS IS A FOOD REVOLUTION. For me anyways 😉 Probably just a new-to-me food but I am totally and utterly in love.

Organic ♥

72 calories ♥

Ingredients I can read ♥

AMAZING!! Get used to seeing these around here oh, probably everyday! (if not at every meal lol). Moving on……

After Costco and another stop, we were hungry hungry hippos. We wanted something quick and close. Enter Chili’s Restaurant. I had never been to a Chili’s and had never had any desire to go to one but it was so close! LAZY DRIVING FAIL. I ordered the grilled salmon caesar salad with a side of seasonal veggies mixed in and the dressing on the side. Riiiight. Their idea of seasonal veggies are shredded carrots and raw broccoli. E for effort. The salmon wasn’t half bad. My mom didn’t mind the sandwich she got ( the cajun chicken) but we both felt that there was nothing special about our meals. I just prefer to eat at home 🙂

After mi madre left last night Andrew and I decided to use the new pasta we got. I called it the planes, trains and automobiles pasta. I am such a sucker for pasta shapes.

look at all the different shapes!

I did not use enough water and the pasta turned out NAAASTY. Like a sticky gluteny mess. grosss. I had to leave the kitchen and let Andrew finish supper. And it did a great job! He fried some leeks, mushrooms and red pepper, mixed it with pesto and new shell pasta and then baked it in the oven with some goat chedder.

Added a salad to mix with on the side with tomatoes and cucumbers. I barely made it past supper. I was exhausted! More than exhausted. Kaput. All the way until 4:45am when my alarm went off.

breakfast was a weird mess but it worked. 1/3 cup oatmeal, 2/3 cup water, chia seeds, sliced pear, raisins, cashew butter, hemp hearts, honey and new jam. Not just any new jam. This new jam.

It’s niiiiice. Especially on oatmeal.

I packed a pretty simple lunch for work today. New wrap with mustard, hummus, mushrooms, peppers, spinach and sprouts. I forgot to take a pic before it was all wrapped up. oops!

2 carrots and a handful of green beans, steamed

chopped up dragon fruit

and a clementine

For extra snackies I brought Annie’s chocolate bunnies and organic corn.

I ate every single last crumb. Plus a handful of trail mix. Plus a crap ton of water. 7 Siggs full!! Heck yes.

I had a craving for mushroom gravy so bad tonight. Do you ever have cravings so bad that you just HAVE to give in?? I improvised and made a new version. With laughing cow of course haha, mushrooms, almond milk, chives, pepper, pink himalayan salt and xanthan gum.

I also had a piece of cod with chili powder and paprika, baked on parchment paper for 20 min and steamed brussel sprouts with mango salsa ( from Kristi) and stoneground mustard for dipping. It was out of this world. Seriously. I’m already thinking about how I can have it again tomorrow.

Any ideas of what I should make in my new mixer??? I have been thinking about chocolate chip oatmeal cookies or something along those lines. I’ll take any suggestions though!!!

Time for bed! I work two night shifts and then I’m on days off!!! Love it. I hope to try out some new recipes soon!

See yahs!!! Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Paije xx

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