I’ve always been bad with numbers. Math was never my forte. I even failed Math 10 in high school and have no idea how I passed the others.

I miscounted my days off. I work tomorrow.

I was planning on taking it easy today. I had a nail appointment this morning and some banking to do but that was it. I was going to take the afternoon to just chill out and blog, maybe nap, basically just do whateva I wanted.  Leave the grocery shopping/meal planning/laundry and going to bed early for tomorrow. Snakes! 😦

On a happier note, the beautiful Madeleine of Stepping to the Bright Side and the gorgeous Katey of Bonne Sante nominated mee for a Stylish Blogger Award! Love it love it love it! 😀 Thanks laaadies! Make sure you check out there AWESOME blogs!

There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:

1. Make a post and link back to the person who awarded you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!

7 things about me:

  1. I like to grocery shop. More than like. Looove. Especially new grocery stores. I go almost every day and try new products like it’s my job.
  2. I am trying to figure out how to go to cooking school. Student visas/tourist visas/work visas, down payments, leave of absence requests. Uggggggggh. Hopefully it will happen this year.
  3. Our local radio station plays “The Lunch Break Booty Shake” every day at noon and if I’m home I shake my booty for the entire hour. Crazy arm flailing happy feet dance. 🙂
  4. I drink smoothies every day. Well, almost every day. 6 out 7 days I do. And I only drink 2 different kinds: macatastic (with added lucuma powder) and green monster smoothies with peanut butter and blueberries. I’ll switch it up again in the summer.
  5. I eat salads 7 out of 7 days. They are tha bomb. Diggity.  But if you read my blog regularly, you already know this.
  6. I make hummus at the start of every week. Susan’s sunflower hummus to be exact. There is no better. I use it on everrrything. Lately I like to mash it with broccoli or sweet potatoes and put it on a wrap. Or mix it with rice. Or on pizza.
  7. I am obsessed with lululemon. Not in a bad credit card debt kinda way. Just in a I want to work out when I have new clothes kinda way.

OK so I know that I am supposed to nominate 15 other awwwesome bloggers, but it’s kinda hard to find 15 that haven’t already been nominated so I’m tagging YOU now. If you haven’t received a nomination, this is yours now. I’m a rule breaker. SORRY.

On another happy note I received my Xpress smart cups from Janetha’s giveaway today!! Love getting mail. I don’t drink coffee but you can also make these with tea! Sweet.

I immediately opened the box and turned on the kettle.

I dumped about 1 1/2 tbsp loose leaf tea into the bottom of a cup.

Poured in my hot water.

Put the lid on and waited 3 minutes.

Pushed the pusher down and snap! Teeeeaaaa.

I opened it back up and was a little disappointed to see tea leaves floating in my cup, HOWEVER the mouth piece has a screen so there is nothing to worry about!! Awwwwesome! Thanks Janetha and Xpress!


So you know how I told you about all the wondaful meals I have been eating as of late? Well I could not come up with a clever or creative way to showcase the yum so I’m just gonna throw them all out there, randomly. Food porn style.

Bean salad with Dr Kracker sandwich with tuna

and steamed chard with more tuna/mustard/sprouts.


4 egg white omelet, grapefruit and ezekiel bread with mashed avocado.


Yams and beets thinly sliced and sauteed in coconut oil. Kale, parsley and goat cheese thrown in at the end. Simple. Perfect.


Egg rollup with tomatoes, avocado, goat cheese and parsley. Pineapple, cherries and ezekiel toast with laughing cow, cinnamon and stevia.


Dr. Kracker pumpkin seed cheddar with sunflower hummus.


Kale salad with curried garbanzo filling and a dressing of hummus, mustard and water.


Cereal mix of puffins and shredded spoonfuls, almond milk, frozen raspberries, banana and white chocolate wonderful peanut butter.


Kale salad with roasted yams, crushed taco chips, tomatoes, avocado, goat cheese with salsa and greek yogurt mixed with taco spices.


Spinach and arugula with parsley, goat cheese, mung and lentil sprouts, hummus and raw tofu marinated in lemon juice, parsley, oregano, basil, salt and pepper.


Steamed broccoli with hummus and mustard dresssing.

Mama Peas pizza quinoa casserole topped with pineapple, olives and Daiya cheese. I liked it a lot better without the toppings.


Food for Life gluten free brown rice wraps with mashed broccoli and hummus, shredded carrots, marinated tofu and alfalfa sprouts.

Technical difficulties but it was awwwwesome. Side salad of romaine with yellow peppers, shredded carrots and honey mustard dressing.


Same wrap with mashed yam and hummus, veggie burger, arugula, alfalfa sprouts and a squirt of spicy mustard.

With a side of edamame beans.


Roasted broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus over brown rice, organic spring mix and topped with leftover coconut curry sauce and salsa.


Would you believe it if I told you I started typing this up at 2pm today?? And I am pressing publish at 9:13 pm? C.r.a.z.y. Distracted much?

Have a great day tomorrow! Everyone seems to be having a snow day today (sooo jealous) so if you’re one of those people, enjoy it!! Snow days are just regular days in Saskatoon!!

Paije xoxo